Before we begin production of stickers from the execution of the project. If the customer does not have its own idea, we need a little more information about what should be on them to find. To do this, contact us. Then we set all the details.
Preparation of the project
Prepared by our sticker design, which is found only inscription is free. You should only send the actual text, size stickers, and its shape.
Multicolored stickers as well as containing photos are payable in connection with the amount of time that should be devoted to preparing sticker. The price depends on the size of the proposed label, is within 350 - 3800 zł net (eg. For the design of the packaging)
Preparing files for production
Graphic design stickers ready to be sent in the following formats:
for each label need two separate files: a sticker with bleeds + shape stickers
- Multicolored stickers (using photos, gradations):
tif format, PDF, color CMYK, resolution 150 dpi in scale 1: 1, fell 3 mm on each side. Files can be in the form of a vector (ai, eps, cdr) with all texts converted to curves. In the case of printing white color white should be noted in the file, eg. On a separate layer.
- Sticker Shape:
as a separate file in the form of a vector (ai, eps, cdr) please send a path shape. If the shape is a regular means, for example, a circle, ellipse, square or rectangle path to execute independently.
- Stickers one color:
file format (ai, eps, cdr) all converted to curves.
In each case the preview image file is required stickers in the form of pdf or jpg.
If necessary, you get the data to our ftp server to put there larger files, which is above 50 MB.