tel./fax: +48 22 662 49 16
Questions? kontakt



Outdoor stickers are usually made of film resistant to temperature differences and thus working at -30 - + 120 degrees Celsius.

Stickers can be made as single-color stickers or in full-color print technology resistant to weather, scratch and fade colors. The durability of the colors depends on the color of the paint and the place where the stickers will be sticky can be up to 10 years.

Stickers can be made on various substrates from smooth, rough to plaster type "lamb" used on buildings. It all depends on where they are to be used. Ensure durability and impeccable adhesion to the substrate produced by us stickers. We choose the most appropriate raw material.


When asking for a quote please state the size, the amount and the substrate to which they will be glued.


Contact details

tel / fax. +48 22 662 49 16

kom . +48 602 22 82 82

kom . +48 604 079 006

e - mail:


18.00 - 23.00 poniedziałek - niedz

tel. +48 602 22 82 82


Pytając o cenę prosimy o podanie :

- Rozmiar naklejki (podać w cm lub mm)

- numer naklejki

- sposób cięcia ( na arkuszu , rolka , cięte każdy osobno - jak się rozdaje )

korespondencji postaramy się odpowiedzieć w ciągu kilka minut .

Zapraszamy pn

-pt 8.00 - 18.00 Usługi Reklamowe

ET ul. Koronacyjna 20a

02-496 Warszawa / Polska

NIP 521 212 45 48